I see boobird!!!!

I had the funniest photoshoot this weekend. My friend Jen came with her kids and the youngest one was a hoot. She walked the whole nature trail yelling "I see boobird!". Even IF there were bluebirds there (which I'm sure there weren't) her yelling would have definitely scared all of them off.

Thanks Jen. You have very funny kids. Poof!

Lately, I am constantly bringing the camera along to my kid's friends' birthday parties. It gives me plenty of opportunity to practice. Last week was Anna's friend's party at a local toddler play place. I love the place - except! - when I have to take pictures there. Very challenging! The walls are this terrible shade of green that casts a horrible color over everything, the lights are florescent and then there is this huge picture window throwing another color of light into the room. Very frustrating for a newbie like me.

Erica, I hope you like these and thanks for inviting Anna.

Our town held it's opening day baseball parade this past Saturday. You couldn't ask for a nicer day! I think the adults had more fun than the kids. We have been stuck inside for a long winter and it was great to see everyone!

One more slideshow

I know these are getting old ... but I did this one to make two of my friends smile ...

(turn the volume up)

Is it the music? The pictures? The kids? Not sure, but the combo just gets me.

Anna had her Mommy and Me egg hunt this morning. She was excited as usual about snack time, ring around the rosie and eating the playdough. One of the other girls in class, Mckenna (sorry if I didn't spell it right!) was happy to pose for me! I got more good pics of her than of my own kids. That's OK with me since my kids run the other way when they see me with the camera.


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