Celebrate with a 20 minute Valentine's Mini Session for the kids!! The session is $60.00 and will include a 20 minute studio session (for up to two kids), 5-10 final images to choose from for your (2) 4x6's (1) 5x7, and a set of (24) Valentine's Day cards showing your choice of picture. Call or e-mail me today to reserve your date and time. I will be offering these mini sessions on Tuesday, February 2nd from 9:30 am - 11:00 am and Friday, February 5th from 3:30 pm-5:30 pm. Don't forget to wear your pinks and reds in honor of Valentine's Day! All images and cards will be printed and delivered in time for your special Valentine's Day!

Rainy Day Activity

We're stuck home not just because it's raining cats and dogs, but because my sweet girl is sick with a cold/fever. We pulled out our paints today, and my sick, crabby baby became a little happier.

I fully intended to take awesome pictures at the museum today. I even checked that I had a memory card in the camera as I left the house. Too bad I didn't check the battery...dead. So here is another from the iPhone.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

It's a frequent compliment/statement I get. "I love your pictures. You must have a great camera". It's not the camera! Ansel Adams made the most incredible art from little more than
a box with a hole in it!

For the last couple of posts I have used only my crappy point and shoot (and believe me, it's terrible!) or my iPhone camera. The shots aren't art by any stretch of the imagination, but it's a great exercise for me to work with what I had and make a good picture.

She will go to bed only wearing character pajammas (Princesses, Dora or Tinkerbell ONLY) with three small Dora plush dolls, one baby Ariel doll and one Dora doll that sings good night. She recently added these slippers to her bedtime collection. We had to nix her wearing her Tinkerbell hat and gloves to bed. I can't wait to see what else she tries to add.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Who knew?

That you can edit your iPhone pictures in the phone (with the help of an app) to make them better?! You learn something new every day!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Yes She is Skating!

Anna was actually skating without help today! That is, for the first 20 minutes. Then she laid down on the ice for the next 40 minutes and wouldn't move!

I'll miss you.

Photoshop Rocks

I have been immersing myself in Photoshop CS4 over the last couple of weeks. It's been fun. I have been able to make some crappy out of the camera shots look a lot better. This picture is from our little skating outing this weekend. I brought my little crappy point and shoot (trust me, it's terrible ... it even got terrible reviews!) because I didn't want to risk falling on a big camera. One, that might hurt me and two, it might hurt the camera!

Great exercise in editing for me!

I took this picture of Peter yesterday and didn't like it at all. But then I decided to take another look at it and played with it a little in Photoshop. I think it's better, still a snap, but cooler.

Late in the day and I realized I didn't have anything for my post. I had taken the old point and shoot to the ice rink and was very disappointed in the pics (birthday is coming up ... hint hint Joe). Later in the day, got the kids in showers/baths and pulled out the good camera (one that doesn't suck!). It was a good test for me. The light is low, so I had to pump up the ISO, open up the aperture and give it the old college try. She looks pretty good to me!

This wasn't taken today, but I spent a lot of time today going through pictures from the past few months of my own family that have been neglected for far too long. I love this shot because Anna LOVED the leaves this fall.

This is the official start of the post a day. I can't promise I'll post EVERY day (I have a feeling I might run out of ideas sometime during the year) but the idea is to challenge myself.

I took this picture of my daughter Anna today with just the light coming through the window in my mother-in-law's kitchen. Anna wasn't too pleased to be inside with all the boys outside, but she insisted on wearing her brand new sparkly shoes and the yard was a mess of mud and melted snow. We tried entertaining her, but she wasn't really happy and no smiles were forthcoming. Still not too bad.


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